Friday, October 10, 2008

i do not dance.

Today we had the rest of our auditions to finish up. Now, the crazy thing about these auditions is that everyone had to try out for everything. yes, thats right....i said EVERYONE. Unfortunately, there was no asterisk excluding me from this everyone auditions. So, I was forced to audition for singing, spoken word, television [like pretending to be a t.v. host], drama and dance.

This is the part where i reiterate how much I cannot dance. Nope. Nada. Niente. And to make matters worse we had around eight people watching us with those blank expressions that yell to the world "YOU DO NOT IMPRESS ME!"

Now, the rest of the auditions were fun and an awesome learning experience but the dancing made me want to repeatedly run my face into the wall. Twenty times.

"You can dance, can't you kasey?"

NO. I can spaz. But as far as the dancing and coordination goes, well, I guess I should just stick to longboarding.

:] Hope you all are having a wonderful day!

until next time....

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